11th Annual Best Line Powersports/SSRTA Chicken BBQ
The event was held on July 20, 2013 at Gillentown Trailhead.
Best Line had a few atvs & utvs for display and a 850 Polaris
Scrambler - demo model available. The SSRT had clothing for sale,
accepted applications for membership, sold raffle tickets. Chris Vangor,
family, & friends prepared the bbq chicken to perfection - along
with Hall's Market providing macaroni and potato salad, bake beans &
dinner rolls. We received a lot of comments "The meal is fantastic"
Jack's Snack Shack sold ice cream and Central Mountain ATVA also had a
place set up for handling applications for membership to their
organization. Valley ATV Club also has a great showing from the Scranton
area. The SSRTA wants to thank all the volunteers for helping to make
this event successful and a big thank you for our loyal supporters.
Without you, we could not hold such an event.