Monday, November 19, 2012

2013 Membership & Application

Motorized Users - Membership will be $20.00 per each motorized unit -" No family discount"
Non Motorized Users - $20.00 Individual or Family
Corporate Sponsorship - $125.00

Please see new application for 2013. You will need to fill out both sides complete. Provide copies of states registration & insurance information. Everyone operating a motorized unit is required to sign the application. One application per unit. Parents must sign for children under 18 years of age.

Download the 2013 membership application by clicking here.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Yamaha Grant

November 14, 2012
Larry Mayes, Secretary, Snow Shoe Rails to Trails announces that: The Snow Shoe Rails to Trails is pleased to announce it has received a Yamaha OHV Access Initiative Grant of $15,000 for  Gillentown Trailhead “Trail Access Control”. The grant was awarded as a part of Yamaha’s OHV Access Initiative promoting safe, responsible riding and sustainable open riding areas.  
The grant will be used to install gate, bollards and fencing to control and promote safe trail access at the Gillentown Trailhead in Snow Shoe, Pa.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Elk Bennezette Ride

Sunday, Novermber 11, 2012 was a beautiful day to be riding atv's/utv's. It was even better if you were with Central Mountain ATVA on a ride to see the Elk at Bennezette. Carl Johnson led the ride by starting out eating breakfast at Snow Shoe Restaurant. Then, everyone traveled to Bennezette and unloaded at the elementary school and the outer parking lot at the Elk Center. We watched a half hour movie about the Elk at the Elk Center before riding the legalized roads for atv's. The first trip around we stopped at various sites and saw only a few elk. By now everyone was hungry  so we rode to the Bennezette Hotel and ate a wonderful meal. Carl Johnson said afterwards, now, let's go see some elk. Well, he was right, they were near and far and there was alot of them. By now it was getting close to 4:30 and it was time for the 41 people and 31 atv's/utv's to head home. What a wonderful way to spend a fall day in Central Pa. If you see this ride scheduled on the CMATVA web site next year, be sure to join their association and take this trip, you will be glad you did.